The hardware for the time measurement can be integrated in the connection module or is available as separate Racebox. Controller and power supply just have to be connected with standard banana plugs.
Anyone who operates a 400, 600 or 800 track and want to use durable XLR plugs beside the banana plugs will strike at Slotfire tracks: We can build both.
For all of our rail systems, we offer powerful power supplies. If necessary, each track can be operated with its own, stabilized power supply.
… Is our hardware to control analogue racetracks. The software »Race« is developed by Slotfire. It is not even for time measurement. It s also made for manage the races or organize a tournament control the power on the track. The Power can be regulatet between 3 and 20 Volts on each lane sepereatly out of the software. Seperate power supplies are needless.
Price: 650.00 €
… Is our hardware to control analogue racetracks. It is a simple version of Racebox and available in two versions. As shown above in a separate box, or directly into the connection module.
The Racebox is a PC-based system, and was developed together with our racing software »Race«. Race is a modern, Java programmed and user-friendly design software. It offers both modes for individual races and training and a championship mode. It can be operated via a touchscreen. Output is also supported on two screens.
Slotfire Racebox Mini Extern: inkl. power plug, USB-cable, software »Race«
Price: 290.00 €
Slotfire Racebox Mini Intern: built in the connection module, inkl. power plug, USB-cable, software »Race«
Price: 260.00 €
… Stainless steel. Self-adhesive and magnetic.
Price: 2.39 € / m. (Minimum Order Quantity: 100 m)
… Is the power supply, which we trust a long time. An adjustable power supply, 3-30V, 12 A.
162.00 € / Pc.
… PARMA Eco 25 ohm, incl. Banana plugs, 3 m PVC cable.
49.90 € / Pc. (similar to picture)
… Is available for all digital Slotfire systems. The set contains two driver's cabs (drivers 1–4 and drivers 1–8).
Set price: 698.00 €